by Thomas Middleton
directed by Joseph Papke*

What happens when “happily ever after”
meets a dark and dangerous world?

by William Shakespeare
directed by Diane Mountford

When law doesn’t equal justice,
what recourse do we have?

Tom Conry*, Timothy Daly*, Samantha Fairchild, Lolly Foy*, Eva Gemlo,
Jackson Gray
, Vincent Hannam, Jacob Hooper, Hugh Kirsch, Charles Numrich,
Samantha V. Papke
*, Tristen Sima, Tyler Stamm, Daniel Kristian Vopava*,
Madeline Wall
, and Joe Wiener*

Stage Managers: André Johnson Jr.* and Miranda Shunkwiler*
Scenic and Lighting Design: Dietrich Poppen*
Costume Design: Lolly Foy*
Fight and Intimacy Choreography: David P. Schneider

* CAE core artist



Nov 30 – Dec 23, 2018
at The Gremlin Theatre

StarTribune review

Lavender review

WBW production photos

MFM production photos