Fall 2022 readings series

Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare
(tragedy, gory, Ancient Roman)

Edward II by Christopher Marlowe
(history, queer, English)

The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
(comedy, controversial, Italian)

November 3, 10, & 17, 2022
at Elision Playhouse
6105 North 42nd Avenue, Crystal, MN 55422

On Thursday evenings during Othello‘s run we are offering staged readings of three plays under consideration for future production. They are all pay-what-you-can by cash or card at the door; 7:30pm start time. Please join us to explore these plays!

Neal Beckman, Claire Chenoweth, Tom Conry, Samantha Fairchild, Bridget Foy,
Ann Frances Gregg, Brandon Herring, Jackson Hoemann, Daniel Ian Joeck, Michael Kelley, Maddy La Roche, Jamil Lee, Kyle Marks, Samantha V. Papke, Dan Patton, Connor Rajan, Dominic Rodgers, Jan Rozumalski, Hannah Steblay, Erik Steen, and Bruce A. Young

MN State Arts Board logo This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.