Join us we put a 1940s cinematic twist on two Elizabethan plays:
The anonymous, true crime drama, Arden of Faversham, staged as a Film Noir, will alternate evenings with Shakespeare’s comic battle of the sexes, Much Ado About Nothing, staged as a Screwball Comedy.
Neal Beckman, Amy Bittner, Helen Collins, Timothy Daly*, Theo Ebarb, Samantha Fairchild, Taelyn Gore, Jacob Hooper*, Timothy Kelly, Hugh Kirsch, Robb Krueger, Kyle Marks, Michael Ooms, Joseph Papke*, Samantha Papke*, Kaija Pellinen, Mike Tober, Daniel Kristian Vopava*, Josh Weisenburger, and Joe Wiener*
Stage Management: Miranda Shunkwiler* and André Johnson Jr*
Scenic and Lighting Design: Dietrich Poppen*
Costume Design: Lolly Foy* and Molly Smith
* CAE core artist
This activity was made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. |