by Christopher Malowe directed by Joseph Papke Dissatisfied with his accomplishments, a brilliant scholar's hubris brings him to sell his soul in exchange for knowledge and power. But is it ever too late to repent?
by William Shakespeare directed by Daniel Ian Joeck A mighty storm wrecks a ship on a magical island. An exiled Duke has engineered a confrontation with his betrayers, but the storm has stirred up more than just a chance for retribution.
Featuring Neal Beckman*, Ethan Bjelland, Randall J. Funk*, Robb Krueger, Morgan LeClaire,Marci Lucht, Rick Miller, Art Moss, George Muschamp, Nicholas Nelson,Michael Ooms*, Marika Proctor*, Michael Renner, Samantha Veldhouse,and Joe Wiener*
October 9 - November 1, 2015 at The Minneapolis Theatre Garage