Middleton's satirical comedy weaves the stories of six London couples in a tapestry of bawdy cuckoldry, ravenous social climbing, and misadventures in love, while the consequences of blind passion and the inevitability of fate reign in Shakespeare's tragedy of star-crossed lovers determined to wed despite their families' deadly feud.

Justin Alexander, Neal Beckman, Kevin Carnahan,
Nate Cheeseman, Lolly Foy, Randall J. Funk,
Justin Hooper, Daniel Joeck, McKenna Kelly-Eiding,
Steve Modena, Zachary Morgan, Nissa Nordland,
Michael Ooms, Hannah Steblay, Ben Stroup,
Samantha Veldhouse, Danial Vopava, Erin Vork,
Lauren Vork, Ryan Voss,
and Joe Wiener

RJ directed by Michael Kelley, CM directed by Joseph Papke


March 21 - April 13, 2014
at The Minneapolis Theatre Garage

TC Daily Planet Review

Lavender Review

Aisle Say Review

City Pages Review

RJ production photos

CM production photos